Understanding Common Issues With Flat Roofs

Flat roofs are susceptible to certain issues that sloped roofs don’t typically experience. The most common of these is ponding water. With sloped roofs, gravity usually takes care of this, but flat roofs don’t have that advantage.

To keep your flat roof healthy and to maximize its service life, it’s helpful to understand what you’re dealing with.

Moisture Problems

All roofs are exposed to water. As flat roofs can’t rely on gravity to shed water the way sloped roofs can, some ponding may occur. Water tends to remain longer on a flat roof, which can ultimately result in leaks. That’s why it’s important to have your roof inspected regularly, especially after a severe weather event. Roof repair is easier and more affordable when it’s done promptly.

Snow Buildup

Thick snow adds weight that can lead to damage. Don’t wait for it to melt. Use a brush, squeegee or shovel to remove it as soon as possible.

Melted snow can lead to pooling and water damage. If there is too much snow, the snowmelt will be considerable, possibly affecting not just your roof but also your gutters, siding, windows, walls, ceiling and more.

Buckling and Cracking

Over time, a house or building might settle. If there is considerable movement, your roof can buckle. This is unsafe. It’s best to have a professional inspect your roof as soon as possible. In most cases, buckling is a sign that your roof is due for replacement. The same is true when you see a crack, especially a big one, or a few scattered around the roof. This is usually due to the weight of your roof, which puts pressure on the structure.

Don’t wait until the problem is too big for repairs. Call Sterling Exteriors at (513) 685-8055. We also offer fantastic options for outdoor living. Schedule your free estimate by filling out this form. We serve homeowners in Milford, Newtown and Anderson Township, OH.