Roof Repairs Aren’t Always the Best Solution

Whenever you get your roofing system inspected, there may be some issues discovered such as water leaks or other damage. Depending on the level of damage, patching that part of the roof is usually enough to put it back into shape. But if multiple leaks are found and you’re frequently spending for repairs, it may only cost you more over time. Sterling Exteriors shares their insight: 

roofing contractor

Knowing When a Replacement Is Needed

If you’ve only had your roof for a few years with regular maintenance, then a few occasional repairs should suffice. However, it’s a different story if your roof has recently sustained an extreme weather event. If it has an active leak with some sections exposed to the elements, your roof will need immediate repair work as it can lead to further damage if it’s not addressed properly. 

If your roofing system is near the end of its lifespan, then it can lead to more frequent repairs. This will become more apparent if your roof is around 20 years old or more. It’s better to have it fully replaced instead, but if that’s not an option right now, then you can always pay for the extensive repair work while saving up!

Why Should You Opt For a Full Replacement?

Any type of problem in your roofing such as missing shingles and water leaks should be repaired as soon as possible. Extensive roof repairs may even be needed if you have more than one leak in your attic and have water dripping down your ceiling areas. This is because it can be difficult to find the origin of the water leak, and patchwork may not fix the issue completely. If there are too many problems with your current roof, you’re better off having it fully replaced. 

We always offer quality roofing service here at Sterling Exteriors. Contact us today at (513) 685-8055 or through our online request form. We serve Cincinnati, Loveland, Newtown, and the surrounding OH areas.