How to Lower Your Cooling Bill This Summer

We love summer because it brings warm weather, family vacations, and time spent outside. Unfortunately, it can also bring sky-high temperatures and the cooling bills to go with them. While we can’t make Mother Nature take a break, we can help you save on your monthly utilizes bill this season. Follow these four suggestions to keep your cooling bill low this summer.

1.Repair or Replace Roofing

Old or damaged roofing can play a major role in cooling efficiency. Patches of neglected shingles, for example, do little to provide insulation. If it has been a long time since you made repairs to your roof or even inspected it for damage, call your contractor right away to perform maintenance. If damage is extensive, you may want to consider a total roof replacement.

2.Update Siding

Siding in Cincinnati, OH, also contributes to household efficiency. Much like roofing materials, the more damaged the siding, the less efficient the home. Siding that is bogged down by water damage prevents your air conditioner from running as efficiently as it could, and the presence of mold can make things even worse. If you want to keep your cooling bill low, invest in siding maintenance.

3.Switch Out Leaky Windows and Doors

Windows in Cincinnati, OH, have come a long way since their earlier counterparts. Modern windows and doors in Cincinnati provide exceptional insulation as well as reflective properties. Single-pane windows and older doors allow more heat to penetrate into our homes, thus raising our cooling bills. This summer, consider upgrading to modern, high-efficiency fixtures.

4.Ventilate Properly

One of the best things you can do to promote in-home efficiency without upgrading materials is to encourage healthy ventilation. Try airing out your attic, opening windows, and utilizing ceiling fans whenever possible.

These are just some of the best ways to lower your cooling bill this summer.