Winter Deck Maintenance Tips

It’s wise to perform routine cold weather maintenance on your deck before winter arrives with its delivery of snow and ice. Taking the proper precautions now helps decks in Cincinnati, OH, survive months of harsh winter weather. Here are four tips to winterize your deck.


1. Clean Away Dirt and Grime


Clean decks and patios in Mason, OH, are healthy ones. When dirt mixes with snowmelt, the result can be mold growth and rot, among other structural concerns. Don’t give this a chance to happen. Before you cover your deck for the winter, be sure to sweep off large debris and rinse away lingering grime. Follow up with a fresh coat of sealant if necessary.


2. Troubleshoot Loose Nails


Loose nails may not seem like a big deal, but they pose a serious threat during the colder months. Nail holes contract and expand as the temperature drops. Beyond creating larger cracks and costlier damage, these gaps also give water a chance to sink in and fester. Avoid this scenario by removing loose nails and replacing them with screws.


3. Check the Forecast


Anticipating the next ice or snowstorm lets you know when to cover your deck and, alternatively, when you are clear to use it. We suggest monitoring the local weather forecast for cues on when to break out the tarp.


4. Keep Ice Away


Lastly, one of the best things you can do for your deck or patio all winter long is to perform regular snow and ice checks. In extreme cases, ice can put so much extra weight on a deck that it buckles. It can also lead to rot and put your personal safety at risk. Even if you cover your deck this winter, take a peek once in a while and brush off any ice buildup.


For more winter maintenance tips, contact your deck and roofing contractor in Milford, OH.