Fast Facts About Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt remains the most popular roofing material in the U.S. Asphalt shingles are tiles that are flat or curved, which interlock and overlap to keep water off a pitched roof. Here are five facts about asphalt roofing shingles.

1. Asphalt Is the Most Common Material for Shingles – Contractors use asphalt because it is more affordable than metal, clay and slate. Asphalt is also fire-resistant and features mineral stabilizers and roofing granules that provide a better seal.

2. Asphalt Shingles and Fiberglass Shingles Are the Same – Fiberglass is a type of asphalt shingle that holds the shingle. It has an asphalt exterior, which is weatherproof and weather- and fire-resistant.

3. Asphalt Shingles Have Good Wind Resistance – Asphalt shingle roofing has an improved sealant system that prevents damage. Strong winds and gusts won’t do much.

4. Nail Gun or Hammer; It Doesn’t Matter – Either method will work when installing shingles. The nails have to be on the shingles, with the latter well-mounted to the surface.

5. There’s No Need to Remove the Release Tape from the Shingle – Asphalt shingles have a shiny release tape to prevent them from sticking with each other in the box. It looks shiny because it is the coating asphalt of the shingle, but there is no need to remove it. Doing so will only prolong the installation.

Turn to Sterling Exteriors for all your residential and commercial roofing needs. We also offer window, door, siding, patio and deck services from trusted brands such as Jeld-Wen® and James Hardie®. Give us a call at (513) 685-8055 or fill out our contact form to set a consultation. We serve clients in Loveland, Cincinnati and Newton, OH.