DIY Roofing: Why It’s Not a Good Idea

Thanks to the accessibility of the internet, researching online do-it-yourself projects is fairly easy. One tap on your smartphone, and there are so many guides to help you hang new doors or install new flooring. However, there are home improvement projects that you should not DIY, including roofing work. Here’s why DIY roof repairs and installations are not a good idea.  

DIY Roofing: Why It's Not a Good Idea

Risks of Severe Injury

Since you need to use ladders or scaffolding to gain access to the top of the roof, any type of roofing work can be dangerous. Working from a certain height means increased risks of severe injury such as falling or tripping, especially if you don’t have access to safety equipment.

Problem Misdiagnosis

Instead of performing repairs on your own, consider hiring a qualified roofing contractor. They deal with damaged roofs every day and know how to fix the issue quickly. Don’t take chances with DIY work, as a simple misdiagnosis can lead to significant damage to your property. 

Time and Money Drain

If you choose to repair your roof on your own, it can result in multiple attempts to fix the problem. This, in turn, eats up your time and resources. Worse, your roof becomes even more susceptible to damage, since the delays are preventing you from tackling the source of the roofing issue in the first place. Also, going the DIY route on roof-related work won’t be covered by your homeowner’s insurance policy. Your contractor or manufacturer won’t cover repairs stemming from DIY errors, which means you’ll have to pay out of pocket just to restore your roof. 

Leave the roofing work to the pros. Turn to Sterling Exteriors for top-notch professional services! As a full-service roofing company, we perform new roof construction, repairs and replacement of existing roof systems. To request a free estimate, call us at (513) 685-8055, or fill out our online contact form to get a free quote. We proudly serve homeowners in Cincinnati, Loveland, and Newtown, OH.