How to Save Money With Your Roof

Your roofing system protects your home from the elements 24/7. That’s why it’s important to keep damage at bay. Rain, snow, hail, debris and the heat of the sun all contribute to roof deterioration over time. As a new, top-quality roof isn’t exactly cheap, it’s in your best interest to take good care of it.

how to save money with a roof

That being said, every roof eventually sustains damage. There comes a point when roof repairs are no longer enough to keep the integrity of a roofing system. This leads us to the first of two ways to save money on your roofing system.

Roof Replacement

The initial cost of a roofing replacement is considerable, but as a homeowner, you’ll probably have to face it at least once in your lifetime. 

The good news is that a roof replacement can actually save you money in the long run. Here’s how:

  • First of all, if you keep repairing your roof even when it’s past its prime, you’re likely to repeat the cycle several times until your contractor informs you that your roof should be replaced. All those repair costs add up over time until a replacement actually makes more sense from a cost-benefit perspective.
  • Second, you can choose a better-quality roofing material for your new system. This is especially beneficial if you bought an old house. Technologies in roofing material manufacturing have improved considerably, and a new roof is likely to last a lot longer than one made when your house was new. The longer your roof lasts, the more savings you enjoy.
  • Third, insurance companies typically charge higher premiums when your roof is old and damaged. Replacing your roof can lead to lower premiums, which leads to more savings. If you replace your roof with qualified material, you might even get incentives from your insurer.

Type of Roofing Material

Choose a roofing material that will last longer than others. You might be tempted to settle for a brand that’s less expensive, but after those initial savings, you’ll likely spend more on repairs and a replacement that you’ll need sooner than you’d like. This means spending more money.

With a better roofing material from a known brand, you’ll pay a bit more initially, but you’ll be saving more money over its lifetime, which is considerably longer.

Need a new roofing system? Get in touch with Sterling Exteriors. Call us today at (513) 685-8055 or leave us a message here. We work with homeowners in Cincinnati, Loveland, and Newtown, OH.