What to Ask a Roof Inspector Before Buying a House

A roof inspection is an important part of roof maintenance. If you hire a professional to perform a proper inspection, you’ll know if you need a roof repair before the damage becomes too costly. 

roofing inspector

You’ll also need to have your roof inspected if you’re thinking about replacing it or getting a new home insurance policy. However, some homeowners might not know that a roof inspection is also a crucial part of the buying process. 

A home purchase inspection should be performed before you spend your hard-earned money on a new home. That includes a thorough inspection of the roof, siding, windows, and other crucial components of the house you’re looking to buy. This is so you can avoid putting money on a home that has too many problem areas, or at least you know what to expect if you still choose to buy a home that needs some repairs.

When you get a roof inspection for a home you’re planning to buy, here are some questions you should ask the inspector:

What Is the Age of the Roof?

Most new roofing systems can last up to 20 years, sometimes longer. A new roof is also better at increasing the home’s energy efficiency and protecting it against the elements, including strong winds and heavy rains. 

Meanwhile, an old roof is likely to show signs of wear and tear, sometimes in less obvious parts. Before agreeing to buy the house, make sure you’ve already factored in the cost of repairs or roof replacement. The inspector should give you an idea of when you can expect the roof to fail.

What Is the Roofing Material?

While asphalt shingles are still the most commonly used materials in the residential roofing industry, there are various types of shingles from different manufacturers. Ask the inspector about which exact material was installed. You can also ask for their opinion on how much you can expect to spend if you have to repair or replace that material.

Are There Multiple Shingle Layers?

In most states, installing a new roof over an old one is illegal. But there are areas that still practice this, and there are also homeowners and roofers that don’t exactly follow the code. It’s hard to detect damage in a roof with multiple layers of shingles, but this technique typically leads to premature failure because of moisture buildup. It’s important that you know this so you can walk away or at least be prepared for the cost of repairs and replacement.

Are There Holes or Cracks?

Even a relatively new roof can still have small signs of damage, such as cracks and holes that professional inspectors can still find. These small holes and cracks can lead to leaks and animal intrusion. Your inspector should advise you about the kind of repairs you can expect to pay for.

A new home is a huge investment, but buying one is also an exciting time for many. However, don’t let the excitement lead you to rush into purchasing that new home. Have it carefully inspected by a professional before finalizing your purchase.

Get in touch with Sterling Exteriors for your roofing and outdoor living needs. Call us today at (513) 685-8055 or leave us a message here. We work with homeowners in Milford, Anderson Township, and Newtown, OH.