4 Signs Your Roof Isn’t Ready for Winter

This weekend I looked out my window and noticed the leaves slowly turning from green to a yellowish red color. With the seasons changing now is the perfect time to inspect your roofing in Cincinnati, OH before winter hits. If your gutters are clean, your shingles are solid, and your flashing is watertight, you are likely ready for the first major cold front and flurry. If not, you still have time to make repairs before winter moves in for good. Here are four signs your roof isn’t quite up to snuff.

1. You Still Have Leaks

Leaks are extremely common throughout the summer months, as heavy rains, wind, and hail can leave a trail of damage in their wake. Whether you have a slow drip in your ceiling or have noticed yellowing around your fireplace, now is the time to address that water damage. Any lingering problems will only become worse and more expensive as colder temperatures start to take effect. Scheduling roof repair in Hyde Park, OH, now can save you thousands in future problems.

2. Your Gutters Are Clogged

Residential and commercial roofing in Mason, OH, relies on gutters to function properly. Without them, it would get soaked by rain in the summer and destroyed by snowmelt in the winter. Having clogged gutters renders essentially the same effect. Give your roof a helping hand by clearing gutters of leaves and debris and using a cleaner to rinse away dirt.

3. You Have Damage to Shingles

If you have asphalt shingles, they will be your first defense against cold temperatures and snow this winter. Damaged shingles do little to protect your house and prevent water damage, so be sure to make repairs before the first frost.

4. You Have High Energy Bills

If you already have high energy bills, don’t expect them to get any lower this fall. Inefficiency is a sign your roof may be sacrificing insulation due to storm damage or simply showing its age. Either way, you will want to remedy this problem or face outrageous heating costs this winter.

These are just some signs your roof isn’t quite ready for colder conditions.